Hi, just want to share my current goal: to stay fit and make more savings by cutting costs on fast food restaurants outside my office. And I found a nice plan for my goal: the Smart Meals Delivery, your #pisopercalorie diet plan.

I am aiming to lose weight and spend less on food, and this diet plan is the solution for my goal! You just need to pay the amount of calories you aim (for me, I orderd their 1200 kcal plan plus a 150 delivery fee). It was so affordable and won’t hurt my budget much.

I find it hard to diet because I really really love food. And due to that, I end up getting overweight on my annual physical exam this year. When I stare at the mirror, I feel that I am not confident with my body anymore. So the plan is to push through with a diet plan that will make me motivated and of course, should be affordable.

Today is Day 1, and I am aiming for 100 days to fitness. Hope you will support me in my journey to fitness and more savings.

Day 1 Smart Meals

Breakfast: Bangus (milkfish) with egg and brown rice

Lunch: Gourmet pork menudo and brown rice

Dinner: Low calorie bacon carbonara pasta

I didn’t get to take the picture because I came home late and ate it all up. Haha. Anyways, it is fulfilling and I finished it with a glass of milk.

Day 1 is done! Hope to finish the 100 days challenge!

Follow @smartmealsdelivery on Facebook and try out their budget friendly diet plan. Happy eating!