October 10 of every year observed the World Mental Health Day, which is a day about global mental health education, raising awareness of mental health issues around the world. This year’s theme focuses on young people who have to deal with mental health problems during the course of their daily lives.

Mental health has been defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, copes with the normal stresses of life, works productively and fruitfully, and makes contribution to the community.

[source: Promoting Mental Health and Wellness Module]

As a person who is aware of how mental health issues can greatly affect our lives, I am one with everyone who makes an effort to reach out to their friends and loved ones who suffers in silence. Many of us have suffered from depression and anxiety, and it is really hard to overcome without the support of your friends and loved ones. A simple hug or pat at the back can be comforting, but a good talk is what one need when he suffers from mental health issues. But the sad reality is, not everyone have the courage to deal with mental health illnesses and issues, and for them, getting treatment was never an option.

Here in the Philippines, there have been reports of depression and suicide among young people, and it is heartbreaking to think that a child can kill himself anytime, which can be prevented if he got proper help and guidance. Depression and anxiety have negative impact on the country, wherein it is generally associated with madness.

The key here is that we, as adults who are also aware of getting into this dark path, should help to reach out to children having these issues. We should not take this for granted, because just like any disease, depression and anxiety, can be deadly when left untreated.

Addressing mental health issues early in life can lead to less emotional and behavioral problems in the future. It can also help improve the social and mental state of one person, making them aware of how important it is to cope up with the issues, liek depression and anxiety.

Fortunately, there is a growing recognition of the importance of helping young people build mental resilience, beginning from the earliest ages. This helps adolescents cope with the challenges of today’s world in a better way.

[source: Adolescent Mental Health]

It is good to know that people are starting to take mental health issues seriously, and all are getting aware that improving adolescents’ mental health has a lot of benefits, not only in short term or long term, but also to the society. Healthy minds lead to a better perspective of the world around you, leading to great contributions to the workforce, the community and the society as a whole.

Building mental resilience from an early age can help prevent or manage and recover from mental problems amongst adolescents and young adults. Yet, prevention begins with a better understanding of early warning signs and symptoms of mental illness.

[source: Adolescent Mental Health]

A listening ear and a watchful eye is already a big help.

Stop the stigma of being negative towards the issue.

Be alert and aware and help to the best that you can.

We can change their world in one simple gesture and make their life worth living.

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