I am late at work today due to heavy traffic, argh, and now I ate fast because I don’t have much time to do so.

Day 12 menu has 2 rice meals and one pasta, with a boiled egg and apple for snack.

The breakfast, Beef and Mushroom Stir Fry with Brown Rice which I ate all up in a rush is nice and made me feel delighted. And also my boss told me that I am starting to get thinner on the face. Hahaha!

For lunch, another rice meal is up, the Fish Fingers with Spanish aioli sauce.

And because my dinner yesterday got spoiled, I ate my dinner today a bit earlier again. And because it is Filipino Style Pasta, and its a quick fix for me.

Hope to lose more weight as the days passed by. I will weigh myself on the weekend and see to it that I lose more. Hehe. Bye for now!

Follow @smartmealsdelivery on Facebook and try out their budget friendly diet plan. Happy eating!